Best Selling
Erigeron glaucus 'Sea Breeze'
A low-growing perennial with glaucus blue-green leaves and large, pink, daisy-like flowers in summer.
Fatsia japonica
An evergreen shrub of open, spreading habit with large, glossy, palmate leaves and bearing clusters of small white flowers in autumn often followed by small black fruits.
Garrya elliptica 'James Roof'
A large and strongly-growing, bushy, evergreen shrub with dark-green, leathery leaves, producing long, drooping, grey-green catkins up to 20cm in length in winter and spring.
Origanum vulgare 'Compactum'
A bushy, woody-based perennial with aromatic green leaves producing loose sprays of tiny, pale pink flowers from summer into early autumn.
Pittosporum tobira 'Nanum'
A wonderful evergreen shrub of dense and spreading habit with glossy, bright foliage and masses of highly scented creamy white flowers in spring and early summer.
Silene dioica
A mat-forming, semi-evergreen perennial often found growing wild, with ovate leaves and small clusters of purplish-pink flowers from summer into autumn.
Athyrium niponicum var. pictum
One of the most recognizable and popular of all ferns. Grey green and purple fronds, and a neat growth habit up to 45cm in height and spread. Best in shade, but tolerates sun if planted in moist soil. Deciduous. Note that younger plants will not develop the full patternation until they are slightly more established, and the patternation will be stronger in a little more shade than it will in a sunnier position.
Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Overdam'
A compact, tufted, clump-forming perennial grass with narrow, yellow-cream striped leaves becoming pale brown in winter.
Cistus x dansereaui 'Decumbens'
A small, evergreen shrub with slightly wavy, sticky foliage and bearing plentiful white flowers in summer with crimson blotches at the base of each petal.
Eucalyptus gunnii 'France Bleu'
Attractive shrubby tree with small silver-grey aromatic foliage which is tinted blue when young. Can be grown as a dense shrub if regularly pruned.
Geum 'Mrs J. Bradshaw'
A clump-forming perennial which is very fast-growing, forming a dense carpet of scalloped leaves with semi-double, vivid scarlet flowers throughout summer.
Osteospermum 'Tresco Purple'
A spreading, evergreen perennial with slightly toothed, green foliage, producing bright-purple, daisy-like flowers from early summer into autumn.
Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln'
A clump-forming, perennial grass with arching, linear leaves and bearing cylindrical panicles of purple-tinged flowers spikes in summer.
Pieris japonica 'Mountain Fire'
A medium-sized, evergreen shrub with shiny leaves, red when young, turning coppery green then dark green and bearing white bell-like flowers in clusters in spring. Pieris require acidic soil though they can be grown very successfully in containers with ericaceous compost.
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Wrinkled Blue'
A strong-growing form with evergreen bluish tinted leaves which are wrinkled at the edges.
Rudbeckia fulgida var. deamii
A clump-forming, herbaceous perennial with rough, dark green leaves and bearing golden yellow flowers with black centres from summer and into autumn.
Paeonia 'Shimane Seidai'
Bright rose pink blooms that are semi double when the plant is young, but become progressively more double and substantial as the plant grows older. A robust growing shrub which will generally flower reliably every year. Height and spread after 8 years approx 120cm x 90cm.
Levington Decorative Chipped Bark
Perfect for pots, containers and smaller gardens
Reduces the need to weed
Reduces the need to water
Adds a smart finish to the garden
Made from renewable resources, FSC® certified
Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola'
A clump-forming deciduous grass with narrow, arching, bright yellow leaves with green stripes, often tinged red in late autumn and early winter.
Salvia 'Bleu Armor'
A wonderful Salvia with vivid blue flowers from late spring and throughout summer into early autumn, with a compact, well-branched habit.
Convolvulus cneorum
A fantastic, evergreen shrub with glossy, silvery foliage and bearing white, cup-shaped flowers from May to July with bright golden stamens. Best grown in a sheltered position where possible though can be grown in pots.
Erica x darleyensis 'Kramer's Rote'
A great ground cover shrub with needle-like foliage and bearing magenta flowers from midwinter into spring.
Imperata cylindrica 'Rubra'
An interesting grass with richly red-suffused, green leaves of upright habit produced as an open clump with narrow panicles of silver flowers in late summer.
Mahonia eurybracteata subsp. ganpinensis 'Soft Caress'
A relatively new introduction being the first Mahonia to have spine-free leaves. It is an elegant shrub growing to around 1m tall and bearing spikes of bright yellow flowers in late summer and early autumn.
Sesleria argentea
A compact, tufted, semi-evergreen grass with bright green to yellow-green foliage, producing slender upright stems with spike-like panicles of creamy flowers from mid-spring into summer.
Baptisia 'Pink Truffles' (Decadence Deluxe Series)
Tall spires of blue-green leaves with yellow buds, opening to pale pink flowers in summer followed by black seed pods.
Blechnum penna-marina
Small creeping evergreen fern forming neat clumps of small fronds. Ideal for covering the ground in a damp space in part or full shade.
Campanula 'Sarastro'
A deciduous perennial with bright green foliage with erect stems of large, pendulous, deep purple-blue flowers in summer.
Geum 'Scarlet Tempest' (Tempest Series)
A great perennial forming a basal rosette of green leaves with apricot-flushed, scarlet red flowers on sturdy stems from mid-spring.
Hebe 'Matty Brown'
A compact, evergreen shrub with small, narrowly eliptic dark green foliage which is reddish-purple when young. Produces spikes of lilac flowers from midsummer into autumn.
Ilex x meserveae 'Little Rascal'
A compact, dense, rounded holly with glossy, evergreen, spiny bright green leaves turning deep purple in winter. A particularly attractive variety.
Mahonia x media 'Winter Sun'
A fast-growing, evergreen shrub with toothed foliage and bearing racemes of fragrant, yellow flowers from late autumn to early spring followed by blue-black berries.
Paeonia 'Renown'
(Saunders 1949). One of the most sought after cultivars and one that we have not been able to offer for sale for several years. Medium size flowers of bright copper rose, a delicacy of colour which is rarely found. Makes a bushy shrub with quite finely dissected foliage which is tinged red at the edges. A fine plant.
Paeonia Rosy Prospects
Gorgeous soft pink petals, deeply cut, giving the flower a unique appearance, raggedy but in a nice way!
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Silver Queen'
A lovely evergreen shrub with silvery-green foliage edged creamy-white and dark stems. As with many Pittosporums, it can be a little susceptible to cold weather so best planted somewhere with shelter from cold, drying winds. In late spring and early summer, it bears small, purple, lightly fragrant flowers.
Sesleria heufleriana
A tuft-forming evergreen grass with fresh green foliage with silver undersides and bearing purple panicles of spikelets in spring and summer.
Abelia x grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope'
A semi-evergreen shrub of compact, rounded habit with arching branches of glossy, yellow-green foliage turning orange-red in autumn. In summer it bears small, trumpet-like, fragrant white flowers opening from pink buds. Abelias will benefit from being grown in a sheltered site, protected from strong, drying winds and the harsher frosts.
Abelia x grandiflora 'Semperflorens'
A semi-evergreen shrub with glossy, small leaves which from June bears plentiful, small, fragrant, tubular pink flowers.
Atriplex halimus
A bushy, evergreen shrub with attractive, silvery-grey foliage, occasionally producing sprays of greenish flowers in summer. An ideal plant for coastal or exposed sites.
Baptisia x variicolor 'Twilite' (Prairieblues Series)
An attractive perennial with blue-green foliage, producing long spikes of pea-like, violet-purple flowers with yellow markings during summer, followed by green seed pods maturing to black.
Camellia x williamsii 'Anticipation'
A lovely evergreen shrub with masses of ruffled, rose-pink flowers borne in late winter and early spring. Camellias are best grown in a sheltered position. They really like acidic soil, but can happily be grown in containers using ericaceous compost.
Choisya x dewitteana 'Aztec Gold'
Similar to Choisya 'Aztec Pearl'. this cultivar has the same narrow, slender leaves but golden yellow in colour. Produces fragrant creamy white flowers in early summer and occasionally repeat flowering in autumn.
Cornus canadensis
A herbaceous perennial forming wide mats of low, oval, light green leaves bearing greenish flowers on white bracts from late spring into summer, followed by red berries.
Lavandula x intermedia 'Edelweiss'
An evergreen shrub with aromatic, grey-green foliage producing spikes of scented white flowers in summer.
Miscanthus sinensis 'Ferner Osten'
A clump-forming deciduous grass with arching, mid-green leaves turning orange in autumn and bearing feathery, pink-flushed flowers in autumn turning red.
Pseudopanax 'Moa's Toes'
An upright, evergreen shrub with glossy, leathery, dark purple to dark green leaves deeply divided into three, narrowly-toothed leaflets.
Rosa 'Gentle Touch'
Rose of the Year 1986. The flowers of this rose are beautiful and dainty-pale pink with a hint of salmon on the upper side of the petals and paler towards the centre. The flowers start as elegant little buds, opening out very quickly and nearly flat. It has neat and very small, mid-green, semi-glossy leaves and a bushy habit of growth. An excellent plant for containers and the front of the border.
All the roses we sell are field-grown and lifted when conditions are at their optimum to ensure strong, quality plants and are potted-up as soon as they are received into the nursery. This ensures that the roots do not dry out and gives the plant the best start. Therefore, do not be surprised if the soil falls away from the root when planting, particularly during the winter and early spring months. We use a high quality commercial compost mix when potting our roses and recommend you incorporate this into the planting hole when planting out in the garden.
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Pointe du Raz'
A strong-growing, prostrate and wide-spreading, evergreen shrub with aromatic, dark grey-green leaves producing whirls of blue flowers in late spring and early summer.