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Miracle-Gro Premium All Purpose Continuous Release Plant FoodMiracle-Gro Premium All Purpose Continuous Release Plant Food
Miracle-Gro Premium All Purpose Continuous Release Plant Food
Miracle-Gro® Premium All Purpose Continuous Release Plant Food contains a temperature-controlled coating which regulates the release of nutrients when the conditions are right for feeding. One application feeds plants for up to 6 months, removing the need for regular feeding. Contains essential nutrients to give strong healthy plant.
from £7.99
Nepeta racemosa 'Snowflake'
Nepeta racemosa 'Snowflake'
A deciduous perennial wth aromatic, greyish-green foliage producing spires of tubular white flowers in summer.
Plants for Pollinators

Phillyrea angustifolia
Phillyrea angustifolia
A compact evergreen shrub with narrow, dark green leaves and small clusters of fragrant off-white flowers in the leaf axils in late spring and early summer.
from £12.00
Primula japonica 'Alba'
Primula japonica 'Alba'
A semi-evergreen perennial forming a basal rosette of crinkled, light green leaves with stout stems in late spring and summer topped with whorls of white flowers with yellow centres.

Salvia uliginosa
Salvia uliginosa
A very tall, robust, herbaceous perennial with sticky, lance-shaped leaves and bearing spikes of blue flowers from summer into autumn.
from £4.00
Plants for PollinatorsAward of Garden Merit
Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Pink Showers'
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Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Pink Showers'
A twining, evergreen climber with woody stems with oval, glossy dark green leaves producing clusters of scented, light pink flowers in summer.
from £39.95

Viburnum x burkwoodii
Viburnum x burkwoodii
An evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green leaves and in late spring bearing fragrant, white to pale pink flowers in domed clusters followed by red fruits, ripening to black in autumn.
from £13.00
Acacia dealbata
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Acacia dealbata
An evergreen shrub or small tree with grey-green foliage producing racemes of fragrant yellow flowers from winter into spring.
from £15.00
Award of Garden Merit

Acer palmatum 'Skeeter's Broom'
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Acer palmatum 'Skeeter's Broom'
A small, deciduous tree or shrub of compact, upright habit bearing deeply-divided, palmate red leaves in spring turning maroon in summer then dark red in autumn.
from £119.95
Actinidia tetramera var. maloides
Actinidia tetramera var. maloides
A deciduous climber with dark green leaves with striking white blotches at the tips of the leaves, producing pink flowers in spring.
from £14.95
Award of Garden Merit

Carex oshimensis 'Evergold'
Carex oshimensis 'Evergold'
A clump-forming sedge grass with narrow, arching, evergreen leaves, striped yellow. A versatile and very useful garden plant.
from £4.50
Award of Garden Merit
Carex remota
Carex remota
A native, evergreen grass forming small tussocks of bright green foliage and bearing pale yellow flowers in late summer.
from £4.50

Centaurea 'Jordy'
Centaurea 'Jordy'
A herbaceous perennial with slightly hairy, lance-shaped leaves with maroon flowers with fringed petals in summer.
from £4.95
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Echinops bannaticus 'Taplow Blue'
An upright perennial with prickly, dark green foliage with white undersides, producing rounded, steel blue, thistle-like flowers on branched, leafy stems in summer.
Plants for Pollinators

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Euphorbia deflexa
A compact perennial for the front of the border with fine, silver-grey foliage producing bright yellow flowers in late spring and summer.
Euphorbia seguieriana subsp. niciciana
Euphorbia seguieriana subsp. niciciana
A clump-forming, semi-evergreen perennial with narrow, lance-shaped, glaucous foliage producing clusters of yellow-green flowers in late spring.

Exochorda serratifolia 'Snow White'
Exochorda serratifolia 'Snow White'
A delightful, bushy, rounded shrub with arching stems of pale green leaves, covered in large, single, pure white flowers in spring and early summer.
from £36.00
Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane'
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Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane'
Scented orange-red flowers appear throughout winter on bare branches. The foliage torns red and yellow in autumn before falling. This plant is a must for the winter garden and looks fantastic when planted with dogwoods where the contrasting stems really set off the flowers.
Award of Garden Merit

Hamamelis x intermedia 'Westerstede'
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Hamamelis x intermedia 'Westerstede'
Clusters of richly fragrant, spider-like golden yellow flowers from mid-winter. The broad green leaves turn brilliant shades of orange, yellow and red in autumn.
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Hebe pinguifolia 'Pagei'
A low-growing, dwarf, evergreen shrub with silvery-grey leaves and white flowers in late spring and early summer.
Award of Garden MeritPlants for Pollinators

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Julisa'
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Julisa'
A new variety with very bright pink flowers in summer and early autumn on well-branched, sturdy stems. The leaves open purple in spring before becoming dark green in summer and take on a light red colour during the autumn.
from £19.95
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Hyssopus officinalis
A compact and spreading, semi-evergreen perennial or sub-shrub with aromatic foliage producing spikes of whorled, blue flowers in summer and early autumn.
from £3.50
Plants for Pollinators

Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens'
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Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens'
A strong-growing, conical, evergreen shrub with glossy, dark-green leaves which are not a spiky as most hollies. Produces inconspicuous greenish-white flowers in spring followed by an abundance of glossy, red berries in autumn and winter.
from £49.95
Ilex aquifolium 'Handsworth New Silver'
Ilex aquifolium 'Handsworth New Silver'
A compact and dense, evergreen shrub with purple young shoots. The leaves are dark green and heavily margined white. In spring and summerit bears small white flowers which are followed by red berries in autumn and winter.
Award of Garden MeritPlants for Pollinators

Iris 'Lemon Ice'
Iris 'Lemon Ice'
Endearing, lemon yellow flowers borne in profusion. The fall petals have a white central patch, blending into the white beards. An easily grown iris needing little more than a sunny spot in well drained soil. 
from £5.00
Magnolia 'Susan'
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Magnolia 'Susan'
Fantastic tulip-shaped, fragrant deep purple-pink flowers with a softer pale pink to white inside. The tightly fluted buds stand upright on the branches before opening out to around 6 inches across which is when the brilliant colours really stand out. Later flowering than many Magnolias meaning that if you are concerned about late frosts damaging the flowers, this is perhaps one to go for. Performs best in a sheltered spot. It does not require much in the way of pruning other than the removal of dead or crossing branches in mid-summer to early autumn. If you are pruning to minimise it's height it is always best to do this by taking it back over a few years to minimise any stress to the plant.
from £50.00
Award of Garden Merit

Magnolia 'White Caviar'
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Magnolia 'White Caviar'
Magnolia White Caviar is a cross between the two hardiest, most popular and most attractive of Michelia species, M. yunannensis and M. figo. An evergreen variety it forms a dense medium-sized shrub with its attractive glossy dark green leaves and pretty, lightly scented creamy yellow flowers often edged red. Best grown in a sheltered position, this plant is sure to delight with its unusual and plentiful blooms.
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Parthenocissus quinquefolia var. engelmannii
A large, self-clinging, deciduous climber with toothed, large, five-pointed leaves, green in spring and summer, turning bronze-red in autumn.

Penstemon 'Apple Blossom'
Penstemon 'Apple Blossom'
A clump-forming, semi-evergreen perennial with lance shaped leaves and bearing masses of tubular pink flowers throughout summer.
Plants for Pollinators
Phlomis 'Marina'
Phlomis 'Marina'
A branched shrub with a similar habit to Phlomis purpurea, producing pink-lipped flowers in summer.

Phormium 'Sundowner'
Phormium 'Sundowner'
Elegant, arching, strap-like, bronze-green leaves with pink-apricot margins.
from £20.00
Award of Garden Merit
Phormium 'Yellow Wave'
Phormium 'Yellow Wave'
A clump-forming, evergreen perennial with arching, strap-like leaves of golden yellow margined green.
from £15.00
Award of Garden Merit

Phormium cookianum subsp. hookeri 'Tricolor'
Phormium cookianum subsp. hookeri 'Tricolor'
A clump-forming, evergreen perennial with arching, sword-like leaves, striped green and creamy-yellow with a thin red margin.
from £20.00
Award of Garden Merit
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Pittosporum eugenioides 'Variegatum'
A lovely evergreen shrub, perfect for a slightly sheltered spot in the garden, bearing glossy, eliptic, light green leaves, margined creamy-white. In summer, fragrant, small, star-shaped, yellow-green flowers appear followed by oval brown fruits.
from £19.00
Award of Garden Merit

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Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Cratus'
A conical, evergreen shrub with slender, dark brown stems clothed in silvery, light green foliage, producing small, fragrant purple flowers in late spring and early summer.
from £25.00
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Polystichum yunnanense
A medium-sized fern with slightly glossy, bright green, glossy fronds with fawn-coloured scales. An unusual and scarce variety.
from £11.95

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Prunus 'Kanzan'
A deciduous, medium-sized tree with coppery-brown young foliage turning green in summer with vivid, purple-pink flowers in spring.
Award of Garden Merit
Rosa 'Silver Anniversary'
Rosa 'Silver Anniversary'
This variety is particularly tolerant of dry weather, and really looks its best in a hot summer. The flowers are a beautiful white colour with the faintest hint of lemon at the centre, opening from long, classically shaped buds. Usually borne singly, they occasionally come in small clusters.
Award of Garden Merit

Salvia x jamensis 'Belle de Loire'
Salvia x jamensis 'Belle de Loire'
An upright perennial with aromatic foliage producing long spikes of bicoloures orange and yellow flowers right through from spring into autumn. The flower fade to creamy pink as the temperature drops towards the autumn.
Plants for Pollinators
Spiraea 'Arguta'
Spiraea 'Arguta'
An always popular, deciduous shrub with toothed, bright green leaves and bearing huge arching sprays of white flowers in late spring. To ensure a good floral display, prune back every year after flowering.
from £8.00
Award of Garden Merit

Tulbaghia violacea 'Silver Lace'Tulbaghia violacea 'Silver Lace'
Tulbaghia violacea 'Silver Lace'
Clump-forming perennial with linear, variegated, grey-green foliage with a cream stripe producing fragrant lilac coloured flowers from summer into autumn.
Award of Garden Merit
Viburnum tinusViburnum tinus
Viburnum tinus
A medium-sized, evergreen shrub with glossy green, virtually oval leaves and bearing white flowers from December to April followed by blue-black berries. Ideal for a shady corner of the garden.
from £8.00
Plants for Pollinators

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Weigela florida 'Monet'
A small, deciduous shrub grown as much for the interested and attractive variegated foliage as for the small, trumpet-shaped, soft pink flowers it bears in spring. The foliage is green-centred with a deep creamy white band surrounding it and edged with a pink band. A beautiful small shrub ideal for the border and well-suited to smaller gardens.
from £15.00
Plants for Pollinators
Miracle-Gro Peat Free Premium Orchid CompostMiracle-Gro Peat Free Premium Orchid Compost
Miracle-Gro Peat Free Premium Orchid Compost
A premium compost, that caters the special needs of orchids. Its unique formulation with all the necessary nutrients and large pieces of high quality pink bark provide the perfect environment for your orchids to thrive.
Peat Free

Paeonia 'Catharina Fontijn'
Paeonia 'Catharina Fontijn'
If you want one of the best of all white peonies for cutting then this is one to plant! The buds are slow to open, teasing you with the promise of the wonderful display to come. They start off showing a pale pink blush but quickly turn to pure white. These large and beautiful flowers are both sweetly scented and long lasting making them really good for cutting. Although a taller growing peony often to around 95cm or so, it is a good one for the back of the border, and its strong dark stems mean that staking is rarely necessary. (Van der Valk 1952).
Abelia chinensis 'Autumn Festival'
Abelia chinensis 'Autumn Festival'
An evergreen shrub with masses of fragrant pink-flushed flowers in summer.

Acanthus spinosusAcanthus spinosus
Acanthus spinosus
A handsome herbaceous perennial to 1.2m, with large, deeply lobed and spine-tipped, dark glossy green leaves. Erect spikes of white flowers with spiny purplish bracts in late spring and summer
from £4.95
Acer palmatum 'Bi Ho'
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Acer palmatum 'Bi Ho'
A bushy shrub with yellow-green, lobed leaves in spring flushed salmon pink turning shades of yellow and orange in autumn. Rich, golden-yellow and orange coloured stems.
from £119.95
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