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Mother's Day Peony Collection
Mother's Day Peony Collection
Mother's Choice, Bowl of Beauty & Bowl of Love (FREE DELIVERY)
Paeonia 'Angel Cheeks'Paeonia 'Angel Cheeks'
Paeonia 'Angel Cheeks'
Large blowsy blooms, everything a peony should be...and more, because its sweet fragrance will knock you out!. The blooms are a clear pale pink with large outer petals cupping a fluffy raised centre. this peony is a shortie at around 70cm and rarely needs staking. (C.Klehm).


from £12.95

Paeonia 'Big Ben'Paeonia 'Big Ben'
Paeonia 'Big Ben'
You can't miss Big Ben with it's dramatic irridescent pink flowers, and it is consistently one of our best sellers. The large dome shaped blooms have a crested top, framed by a ring of larger horizontal petals. Highly scented, Height approx 90cm. One of the taller growing peonies, but it rarely needs staking. 


from £11.99
Paeonia 'Bowl of Beauty'Paeonia 'Bowl of Beauty'
Paeonia 'Bowl of Beauty'
What to say about one of the most deservedly famous of all peonies! A large bright pink bowl shaped flower, with a frothing centre of narrow creamy coloured petals.  A strikingly lovely fragrant peony for the flower border which will never disappoint and is often the first peony that most people buy. It is sometimes still in flower towards the end of June and grows to a height of approximately 90cm. Most highly recommended! (Hoogendoorn 1949)


Award of Garden Merit

Paeonia 'Bowl of Love'Paeonia 'Bowl of Love'
Paeonia 'Bowl of Love'
This is a Bowl of Beauty's little brother! It's a charming smaller version of one of the best known of all peonies. Saucer shaped flowers with bright pink petals that form a cup holding a centre of frothy much narrower pale cream petals. A really free flowering and fragrant peony, producing compact mounds of foliage up to around 75cm in height so that staking is rarely necessary.


from £11.99
Award of Garden MeritPlants for Pollinators
Paeonia 'Catharina Fontijn'
Paeonia 'Catharina Fontijn'
If you want one of the best of all white peonies for cutting then this is one to plant! The buds are slow to open, teasing you with the promise of the wonderful display to come. They start off showing a pale pink blush but quickly turn to pure white. These large and beautiful flowers are both sweetly scented and long lasting making them really good for cutting. Although a taller growing peony often to around 95cm or so, it is a good one for the back of the border, and its strong dark stems mean that staking is rarely necessary. (Van der Valk 1952).


from £11.99

Paeonia 'Coral Sunset'
Paeonia 'Coral Sunset'
A peony that really does change colour! Semi double blooms open a pink coral colour, then as they mature the colour changes to apricot and finally a soft yellow. With a mature plant holding flowers of all these shades simultaneously. This is one of the best of all peonies and no collection is complete without it. Early flowering, during May and growing to approx 90cm in height. One of the most popular peonies used in the worldwide cut flower market. (Wissing-Klehm 1981).


from £10.95
Award of Garden Merit
Paeonia 'Dinner Plate'Paeonia 'Dinner Plate'
Paeonia 'Dinner Plate'
The most glorious of peonies... the clue is in the name! Enormous soft pink fragant flowers, the broad outer petals have a paler edge, which hold the ruffled petals in the centre. Cheeky yellow stamens peek through the petals as well. This is a strong growing and robust peony that rewards plenty of feed and a prime position in the sun and will grow to around 90cm in height and will rarely need staking.  



Paeonia 'Festiva Maxima'
Paeonia 'Festiva Maxima'
One of the most enigmatic of peonies with large double white flowers that have random crimson flecking a bit like raspberry ripple ice cream. Every flower is unique and the amount of red flecking will vary from season to season so you never quite know what to expect! One of the very old and very famous french fragrant peonies, excellent for cutting with its strong stems and dark green lustrous foliage. A thoroughly excellent and reliable peony. Can be quite tall to 95cm so may need staking in a windy garden. (Miellez 1851).


Award of Garden Merit
Paeonia 'Gardenia'
Paeonia 'Gardenia'
As its name suggests this lovely flower is one of the sweetest scented of all peonies. From pink tinged buds emerge large double flowers of a pure white with occasional pink flecks on some of the centre petals. The foliage is a lustrous dark green for extra interest. This is one of the earlier peonies to flower, and it is quite a compact grower to just 85cm or so meaning that staking is rarely necessary except in the windiest of gardens. (Lins 1955).


from £12.99

Paeonia 'Gay Paree'Paeonia 'Gay Paree'
Paeonia 'Gay Paree'
A really striking and joyful peony, with large saucer shaped flowers of bright cerise pink which cup a centre of tufted narrow white petals. A shorter growing peony to around 75cm making it ideal for the more exposed border. This lovely peony is always very popular. (Auten 1933).


from £14.99
Paeonia 'Honey Gold'Paeonia 'Honey Gold'
Paeonia 'Honey Gold'
Dreamy and wonderful blowsy blooms of creamy white with a large pale yellow centre of narrow tufted petals. The flowers are very sweetly scented with strong stems, making them very suitable for cutting and they last well in water. A particulary robust cultivar which rarely needs staking, this is an exceptional flowering perennial for the garden growing to around 90cm in height. 


from £14.99

Paeonia 'Inspecteur Lavergne'
Paeonia 'Inspecteur Lavergne'
A fine and handsome peony with large globe shaped flowers of intense crimson red with a few frilly petals in the centre. This classic french peony has long straight stems which makes it excellent for cutting, the blooms lasting a long time in water and their fragrance filling a room. Grows to around 85cm in height and rarely needs staking.(Doriat 1924)


from £10.99
Paeonia 'Jan Van Leeuwen'
Paeonia 'Jan Van Leeuwen'
Stunning and very unusual! This wonderful peony in the "japanese" style is an absolute favourite of ours, with large single flowers of purest white without any sign of pink. In the centre of each bloom is a crest of bright yellow much narrower petals, punctuated with bright green carpels which are the potential seed pods. Distinctly this is also one of the very few peonies where the emerging shoots in the spring are bright green, rather than the pinky red  "dear rosy snouts" as described by Gertrude Jekyll the famous 19th centruy garden designer. Attains around 90cm in height and rarely needs staking. (Van Leeuwen 1928).


from £10.99
Award of Garden Merit

Paeonia 'Kansas'Paeonia 'Kansas'
Paeonia 'Kansas'
A magnificent peony that never creases to impress us with it's reliability to produce masses of large bomb shaped blooms in a vibrant shade of watermelon red. Everything about it ticks all the boxes. Great foliage, strong stems, good for cutting, fragrant, long lasting flowers...whats not to like! Grows to around 90cm in height and rarely needs staking. (Bigger 1940)


from £8.99
Award of Garden Merit
Paeonia 'Karl Rosenfield'
Paeonia 'Karl Rosenfield'
If you buy or are lucky enough to receive a bunch of cutflower peonies, the chances are that the red ones will be 'Karl Rosenfield' which is the most commonly commercial cut flower peony grown around the world. It realiably produces its bright globe shaped bright crimson red flowers in abundance, with good strong stems that last exceptionally well in water. One of the best garden peonies too forming a neat plant to around 85cm in height, An extra advantage is that it is relatively late flowering well into the latter part of June. (Rosenfield1908).



Paeonia 'Kelway's Glorious'
Paeonia 'Kelway's Glorious'
Said to be one of the best peonies ever bred! Very large bomb shaped double flowers of pure white with the occasional red fleck. The flowers have the most sensational scent. It's also a really good variety for cutting. Forms a sturdy plant growing to a height of arund 90cm and although it takes a while to establish but most definitely worth the wait! (Kelway 1909).


from £14.95
Paeonia 'Krinkled White'Paeonia 'Krinkled White'
Paeonia 'Krinkled White'
A crushingly beautiful single white peony exhibiting a tinge of blush pink as the buds open. As the name suggests the petals are slightly crinkled at the edges. This early flowering peony is one of the shorter ones growing to just 80cm or so and makes a very worthy garden plant. (Brand 1928)
from £10.95
Plants for Pollinators

Paeonia 'Laura Dessert'Paeonia 'Laura Dessert'
Paeonia 'Laura Dessert'
(Dessert 1913) One of the great French cultivars. Large and elegant flowers of creamy yellow. Seductively fragrant, this beautiful peony will bring eternal pleasure every year. Mid season. Height to around 90cm
Award of Garden Merit
Paeonia 'Miss America'Paeonia 'Miss America'
Paeonia 'Miss America'
This truly marvellous semi-double peony opens blush pink and quickly turns white whilst retaining a yellow glow at the base of the petals. With strong stems and a strong sweet fragrance, this is one of the best of all garden peonies, elegantly forming a bushy plant up to about 90cm in height. (Mann-van-Steen 1936).


from £9.99
Award of Garden Merit

Paeonia 'Mother's Choice'Paeonia 'Mother's Choice'
Paeonia 'Mother's Choice'
Mothers Choice is one of the best of all peonies for cutting. Very large creamy white flowers which are wonderfully fragrant and very long lasting. The plants themselves have glossy green leaves and strong stems that rarely need staking. This marvellous peony grows to approximately 90cm in height and is one of the last to flower making. (Glasscock 1950).


Paeonia 'Nymphe'Paeonia 'Nymphe'
Paeonia 'Nymphe'
Single peonies often thrive better in shade than their more blowsydouble counterparts and this lovely cultivar is one of the very best. Pretty single flowers of apple blossom pink which are delightfully fragrant. A free flowering peony which quickly forms a sturdy plant smothered with blooms. This is a later flowering variety which grows to around 90cm in height and has particualry good weather resistance. (Desert1913).
from £9.99
Award of Garden Merit

Paeonia 'officinalis Alba Plena'
Paeonia 'officinalis Alba Plena'
This is the sumptuous white form of the old fashioned red cottage garden peony which has been enjoyed in gardens for centuries. Large globe shaped buds open to reveal blooms that have the faintest blush of pale pink but quickly change to white. This is one of the first peonies to flower in early May so its a great choice to have gorgeous peonies in your garden whilst the daffodils are still blooming. Grows to approximately 70cm in height.


from £11.99
Paeonia 'Peter Brand'
Paeonia 'Peter Brand'
A really sumptuous peony and one of the best in this hue. Deep ruby red double scented flowers that become more purple as they mature. It's also a really good peony for cutting. Dark and lustrous foliage which adopts rich tints in the autumn.  Grows to around 90cm but is robust and rarely needs staking. (Seit 1937)

Paeonia 'Sarah Bernhardt'
Paeonia 'Sarah Bernhardt'
The most famous and best loved of all garden peonies. Large double flowers of apple blossom pink which are very sweetly perfumed  A taller peony often growing to 95cm, so it is ideal for the back of the border although it may sometimes need staking. This is probably the most widely grown cut flower peony in the world, flowers are freely produced often to the end of June so it is great for extending the flowering season. The Sarah Bernhardt peony was introduced in 1906 by the French breeder Monsieur Lemoine and named after Sarah Bernhardt, a French actress - some say the most famous actress the world has ever known. She actually had a coffin in which she often slept instead of a bed, as she believed it helped her understand her many tragic roles. . The saying "doing a Sarah Bernhardt" refers to having a melodramatic moment, a tribute to Sarah's extraordinary talent for tragic drama. 


from £7.99
Award of Garden Merit

Paeonia 'Shirley Temple'Paeonia 'Shirley Temple'
Paeonia 'Shirley Temple'
Superlative in every way and  one of the best of all garden peonies! Huge fragrant double flowers opening a beautiful pale blush pink and soon changing to purest white. If grown in partial shade, the flowers will retail their pinky hue for longer and will also be darker on the shady side of the flower than on the sunny side! An outstanding variety for cutting, the plants have a solid upright habit with firm stems and good foliage which colors well in the autumn. Grows to approx 90cm in height and is also one of the last peonies to flower.


from £6.99
Award of Garden Merit
Paeonia 'Vogue'
Paeonia 'Vogue'
An extremely beautiful, large double bloom of excellent form and clarity. The flowers open the merest blush pink, and then pale to pure white. Some yellow stamens poke through from the depths of the centre.  Gorgeously scented too. Takes a while to establish, but then all the best things in life always will! Height to around 85cm. (Hoogendoorn 1949).

