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Paeonia 'Bartzella'
Paeonia 'Bartzella'
This beautiful peony has large double flowers of intense sulphur yellow and is incredibly floriferous and easy to grow. Making a vigorous bush up to about 75cm in height with deep green broad leaves. Late flowering, it is a joy to behold and cannot be praised highly enough. An ideal first foray into the exceptional world of intersectional peonies.


Award of Garden Merit
Paeonia 'Magical Mystery Tour'
Paeonia 'Magical Mystery Tour'
Charming semi-double flowers open an exquisite shade of soft peach with red flecking sometimes appearing as stripes, changing to pale yellow as the flower matures. Small red flares appear in the very centre of the flower. Forms a neat mounded bush up to around 80cm in height and spread.

Paeonia 'Scarlet Heaven'
Paeonia 'Scarlet Heaven'
Scarlet blooms which shout! Since most true scarlet peonies are early spring flowering, this one which flowers in mid June really extends the colour range of late flowering peonies to include this phenomenal colour. Deep dark foliage, forming a neat bushy plant up to around 80cm in height and spread.
Paeonia 'Sonoma Halo'
Paeonia 'Sonoma Halo'
A mature plant of this astounding peony would be an amazing sight in your garden! Each flower tightly packed with vibrant yellow petals with each having a distinct red flare at the base. Broad and bright green leaves, it will make a dense domed shaped plant up to around 80cm in height and is unlikley to ever need staking. One of the very best modern peonies.