Here at Kelways, we offer an extensive selection of perennials all year round, not simply when the plants are "doing their thing". This means that you can take advantage of the opportunity to plant some of them out-of-season in the autumn and early spring, when they will root quickly and give you stunning displays the following season, so whilst they may not look "the bee's knees" immediately if you are ordering outside of the normal flowering time, you can be assured of an amazing result.
Please note that depending on the season, some perennials may be cut-back in their dormancy period as well as when the plant is simply too tall for us to be able to safely pack it. This in no way will detract from it's performance in the garden.
Acanthus spinosus
A handsome herbaceous perennial to 1.2m, with large, deeply lobed and spine-tipped, dark glossy green leaves. Erect spikes of white flowers with spiny purplish bracts in late spring and summer
Achillea 'Appleblossom'
A lovely and easy to grow perennial with feathery, aromatic fern-like foliage and upright stems of huge flattened clusters of appleblossom pink flowers for weeks on end throughout summer and into autumn. Great for pollinating insects.
Alchemilla mollis
A beautiful perennial which is a must for every garden. It has wonderfully scalloped leaves which catch water droplets and produces a frothy covering of small yellow flowers throughout spring and summer. It can have a habit of self-seeding quite freely, so cut off the seed heads carefully after flowering to minimise any unwanted spreading.
Amsonia hubrichtii
A clump-forming perennial with upright stems of needle-like green leaves producing clusters of light, greyish-blue, star-like flowers opening from dark blue buds in summer.
Amsonia orientalis
A woody perennial with upright stems of lance-shaped foliage producing blue flowers in summer.
Angelica archangelica
An upright perennial bearing umbels of light green-yellow flowers in early summer with deeply cut foliage. It makes a wonderful accent plant towards the back of a border or in a herb garden.
Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Marmoratum'
A tuberous perennial with arrow-shaped, flossy green leaves heavily veined with white producing large, greenish-yellow spathes in summer followed by red-orange berries in autumn.
Astelia chathamica
An evergreen perennial forming a large clump of silvery, sword-shaped leaves, producing panicles of small, greenish flowers in summer, occasionally followed by orange berries on female plants.
Baptisia 'Blue Bubbly' (Decadence Deluxe Series)
A clump-forming perennial with upright stems of clover-like leaves and clusters of soft, lavender-blue flowers in late spring and early summer, followed by dark grey seed pods.
Baptisia 'Pink Truffles' (Decadence Deluxe Series)
Tall spires of blue-green leaves with yellow buds, opening to pale pink flowers in summer followed by black seed pods.
Baptisia x variicolor 'Twilite' (Prairieblues Series)
An attractive perennial with blue-green foliage, producing long spikes of pea-like, violet-purple flowers with yellow markings during summer, followed by green seed pods maturing to black.
Calamintha nepeta subsp. nepeta 'Blue Cloud'
A compact herbaceous perennial with small, dark green, hairy leaves and branched clusters of blue flowers with purple bracts.
Camassia leichtlinii 'Sacajawea'
Strap-like dark green leaves with creamy yellow margins with erect stems of green buds opening to star-shaped white flowers from late spring into summer.
Camassia quamash
Bold, vivid blue flowers in spring which naturalise well amongst grass. They also make good cut flowers and will slowly spread if they are planted in the right situation.
Campanula 'Sarastro'
A deciduous perennial with bright green foliage with erect stems of large, pendulous, deep purple-blue flowers in summer.
Centaurea nigra
An upright, branching perennial with simple, lobed foliage producing thistle-like flowers in summer.
Cynara cardunculus
Closely related to the Globe Artichoke, this hardy thistle-like perennial has an imposing appearance, ideal for the herbaceous border but is also cultivated for its edible flower heads and leaf stalks. The large purple flowers open in summer, but are cut unopened for eating.
Digitalis ferruginea
An upright perennial or biennial with a rosette of dark green leaves and tall racemes of bell-shaped, yellow-brown flowers in summer.
Digitalis ferruginea 'Gelber Herold'
Tall stems of funnel-shaped, pale yellow to golden brown flowers with dark red-brown veining in late spring and summer above a rosette of glossy green leaves.
Digitalis x mertonensis
Semi-evergreen perenial forming a clump of dark green foliage and upright spikes of copper-tinted mauve flowers in summer.
Echinacea purpurea 'Fatal Attraction'
A perennial coneflower producing intensely purple-pink flowers with narrow, pointed rays which are held either flat or slightly up-curving, around a central orange-brown cone from midsummer into autumn.
Echinops bannaticus 'Taplow Blue'
An upright perennial with prickly, dark green foliage with white undersides, producing rounded, steel blue, thistle-like flowers on branched, leafy stems in summer.
Epimedium 'Amber Queen'
A superb plant for shady borders, producing a large, evergreen clump of triangular green leaves splashed burgundy when young. It flowers over a long period, often repeating in early autumn with creamy white petals with a dark orange mouth with yellow-tipped spurs.
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Lilafee'
Tiny lilac-purple flowers in sprays on wiry stems above light green foliage flushed bronze.
Epimedium grandiflorum 'White Queen'
A deciduous, clump-forming perennial with coppery-tinted young foliage turning green and producing long-spurred, pure white flowers in spring.
Epimedium x perralchicum 'Frohnleiten'
Epimediums are wonderful plants for brightening up a shady corner. This variety has attractive heart-shaped leaves flushed bronze in spring and autumn. In spring it displays wiry stems of bright yellow flowers.
Epimedium x rubrum
Attractive plant with green foliage flushed red when young then red and reddish brown in autumn. Bears crimson and pale yellow flowers in spring.
Erigeron karvinskianus
An interesting and unusual plant having a two-tone effect with masses of white daisy flowers turning pink as they age. Particularly attractive to bees and butterflies, these plants are suitable for cracks in paving, border edges, tumbling over a wall and so much more.
Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii
A handsome Euphorbia with upright stems of glaucous foliage topped with clusters of greenish-yellow flowers with a bronze centre. A very fast-growing plant which is very tolerant of drought once established.
Geranium phaeum 'Lily Lovell'
A clump-forming perennial with lobed, light green leaves and slender stems bearing deep purple flowers in late spring and early summer.
Geranium phaeum 'Robin's Angel Eyes'
Slender branching stems of small purple flowers with near white centres and a halo of purple veins in late spring and early summer.
Geranium pyrenaicum 'Bill Wallis'
Deciduous to semi-evergreen perennial with sprawling habit and bearing open sprays of vivid purple flowers throughout the summer.
Geranium pyrenaicum 'Summer Snow'
A clump-forming perennial with rounded, lobed leaves producing loose sprays of small white flowers from spring to early autumn.
Geranium x magnificum
A bushy, clump-forming perennial with lobed, hairy green foliage and bearing rich purple flowers with darker veining in summer.
Geum 'Alabama Slammer' (Cocktails Series)
A clump-forming perennial producing a dense mound of lobed, slightly glossy leaves with toothed edges and single to semi-double, golden yellow flowers with orange-red edges on stiff, upright, purple stems in late spring and summer.
Geum 'Mrs J. Bradshaw'
A clump-forming perennial which is very fast-growing, forming a dense carpet of scalloped leaves with semi-double, vivid scarlet flowers throughout summer.
Hedychium gardnerianum (1 rhizome)
Rhizomatous perennial with grey-green lance-shaped foliage and bearing cylindrical racemes of fragrant, lemon yellow flowers in summer with prominent red stamens.
Helleborus x hybridus 'Single Slate'
Rich, dark plum-black flowers in late winter and early spring with bronze-tinted, leathery green foliage.
Hesperantha coccinea 'Oregon Sunset'
A strong-growing, clump-forming, semi-evergreen perennial with sword-shaped leaves producing spikes of deep coral-red flowers in autumn.
Hosta 'Big Daddy' (sieboldiana hybrid)
Very large, cupped and puckered, blue-green foliage with near white flowers in summer.
Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears'
A miniature hosta with mounds of blue-grey leaves producing lavender-coloured flowers in summer.
Hosta 'Devon Green'
A clump-forming perennial with large, dark green, heart-shaped leaves, ideal for ground cover in shady, moist borders. In August it displays lilac flowers on upright stems.
Hosta 'Empress Wu'
An exceptionally large plantain lily with very lagre, thick, dark green, heart-shaped leaves with deep veins and producing lightly fragrant violet flowers in summer.
Hosta 'Frances Williams' (sieboldiana)
A clump-forming perennial with broad, heart-shaped and puckered, grey-green leaves with irregular yellow-green margins, producing pale lilac flowers in summer.
Hosta 'Gold Standard'
Large, heart-shaped creamy yellow leaves with dark green margins producing lavender flowers in summer.
Hosta 'Happy Dayz'
A compact perennial forming a clump of corrugated yellow foliage with green margins turning darker as the summer progresses, producing lavender flowers on upright stems in midsummer.
Hosta 'Patriot'
A clump-forming perennial with rounded, heart-shaped leaves, edged white and bearing lavender-blue flowers on long stems in summer.
Hosta 'Praying Hands'
An unnusual variety with dark-green, elongated, heavily rippled leaves, with shiny undersides and a narrow, creamy margin, producing pale-lavender, bell-shaped flowers in summer.