The February Garden

A month of anticipation and longer days..

It's February and spring is on the doorstep, new shoots are almost ready to burst into bloom! If it is too cold to get into the garden, why not do some planning ahead. This can not only save you time in the Spring, but you can think up new garden designs and decide on plants you want to use ahead of time. Towards the end of the month, early spring flowering bulbs like Narcissus are in flower, along with early flowering Primrose. Looking for Feburary flowering shrubs? Look no further than the bushy Viburnum tinus Ladybird with its perfumed white flowers and black berries, and Camellia Anticipation with gorgeous rich double pink blooms.

Viburnum tinus

Camellia Anticipation

Make sure to order the compost you need early, keeping in mind what you will need for the garden, pots and seed trays as veg growing season approaches. Having a good supply on hand, will save you time when the busy planting season is here. Why not buy in bulk with your neighbours, you can normally find local groups on Facebook where you can order together

We can deliver compost  if you live within a 15 mile radius of us. See our range here

As we do the best we can to protect our enviroment, peat free compost has become a popular choice. The less peat we use, the more we help to conserve peat bogs, where precious native flora and fauna exist.