Best Selling
Osteospermum 'Cannington Roy'
Purple-tipped, white flowers have eye-catching purple colouring on the reverse side. This low-growing, bushy perennial with green foliage blooms from spring until autumn.
Paeonia 'Big Ben'
You can't miss Big Ben with it's dramatic irridescent pink flowers, and it is consistently one of our best sellers. The large dome shaped blooms have a crested top, framed by a ring of larger horizontal petals. Highly scented, Height approx 90cm. One of the taller growing peonies, but it rarely needs staking.
Paeonia 'Bowl of Love'
This is a Bowl of Beauty's little brother! It's a charming smaller version of one of the best known of all peonies. Saucer shaped flowers with bright pink petals that form a cup holding a centre of frothy much narrower pale cream petals. A really free flowering and fragrant peony, producing compact mounds of foliage up to around 75cm in height so that staking is rarely necessary.
Paeonia 'Sonoma Halo'
A mature plant of this astounding peony would be an amazing sight in your garden! Each flower tightly packed with vibrant yellow petals with each having a distinct red flare at the base. Broad and bright green leaves, it will make a dense domes shaped plant up to around 80cm in height and is unlikley to ever need staking. One of the very best modern peonies.
Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah'
A clump-forming, deciduous grass with steely-blue leaves taking on tones of violet, purple and red in late summer, forming stiff, dense clumps right throughout the winter. Open panicles of small, purplish-red flowers in late summer and autumn.
Patio Magic!
Patio Magic! is a concentrated disinfectant for the easy treatment, removal and prevention of green mould and algae on hard surfaces.
Also suitable for indoor use, and as a pre-fungicidal wash. Kills green mould and algae typically within 2-4 days, and helps to gently clean
the treated surfaces in the following weeks and months.
Peltoboykinia watanabei
A clump-forming perennial with deeply-cut, toothed, glossy green leaves which are flushed red when young and producing clusters of small, bell-shaped, pale yellow to yellow-green flowers on upright stems in summer.
Penstemon 'Pensham Czar' (Pensham Series)
A semi-evergreen perennial with lance-shaped leaves and bearing purple, bell-shaped flowers with white throats from summer into autumn.
Penstemon heterophyllus 'Margarita Bop'
An evergreen perennial with bluish green glossy leaves producing long spikes of tubular, almost irridescent violet-blue flowers becoming reddish purple as they age.
Phormium 'Platt's Black'
A dramatic statement plant with arching, linear, purple-black leaves. A stunning centrepiece for a container or as a statement plant in the border.
Photinia x fraseri 'Carre Rouge'
A dense, evergreen shrub with smaller leaves and orange-red younf growth, turning green as they mature. Trusses of white flowers in spring followed by red berries in autumn.
Phygelius 'Candy Drops Red' (Candy Drops Series)
An evergreen shrub with dark green leaves, producing upright panicles of deep red, tubular flowers in summer.
Phyllostachys aureosuculata f. spectabilis
A large bamboo producing pink shoots which develop into stout, yellow canes growing to around 6m tall, striped green in the grooves.
Phyllostachys nigra
An elegant evergreen bamboo with arching green canes becoming blackish-brown as they mature.
Picea abies 'Frohburg'
A strong-growing, weeping variety of Norway spruce with glossy, dark-green needles.
Picea abies 'Lucky Strike'
A slow-growing, compact and open, conical, evergreen conifer with short, needle-like, dark green leaves which are bright green when young, producing oblong, green cones in summer turning red then reddish-brown by autumn.
Pieris japonica 'Carnaval'
A compact, evergreen shrub with small, green leaves, edged white, turning pink in winter and spawning bright red new growth in spring followed by ivory white flowers. Pieris require acidic soil, but can also be grown in containers in ericaceous compost.
Pinus heldreichii 'Satellit'
A narrow, conical form of Bosnian Pine with fastigiate branching, dense, dark-green foliage. Will achieve a size of around 2m high by 1m wide after 10 years, with an annual growth rate of approximately 15-20cm.
Pinus sylvestris 'Watereri'
An elegant, slow-growing conifer with flaky red-brown bark and stiff, blue-green needle-like foliage.
Pinus x schwerinii 'Wiethorst'
An evergreen, irregularly upright conifer with blue-green needle-like foliage.
Pittosporum eugenioides 'Variegatum'
A lovely evergreen shrub, perfect for a slightly sheltered spot in the garden, bearing glossy, eliptic, light green leaves, margined creamy-white. In summer, fragrant, small, star-shaped, yellow-green flowers appear followed by oval brown fruits.
Pittosporum tenuifolium
A large, evergreen shrub with wavily-margined, bright green foliage and bearing maroon, honey-scented flowers in spring and summer. Can attain a height of 7m in time, but is easily pruned to keep it in check.
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Cratus'
A conical, evergreen shrub with slender, dark brown stems clothed in silvery, light green foliage, producing small, fragrant purple flowers in late spring and early summer.
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Elizabeth'
A lovely, evergreen shrub with pale green foliage edged in cream and pink and in early summer it often bears small, purple flowers which are slightly fragrant.
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Golf Ball'
A small, rounded, mound-forming, evergreen shrub with mint-green foliage and has small, honey-scented, brownish-purple flowers in late spring which compliment the leaves well.
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Irene Paterson'
An evergreen shrub with rounded leaves opening white becoming green, speckled with white, often tinged pink in winter. Sparsely produced, fragrant dark purple flowers in late spring.
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Irish Luck'
An upright, evergreen shrub with dark stems bearing small, glossy, dark green leaves, finely hairy at the margins. In late spring and early summer, small, fragrant, purple-brown flowers followed by dark grey seed capsules.
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Silver Ball'
A fairly new cultivar recently added to our selection. We absolutely love this with its striking silvery grey-green leaves with white markings at the edges, forming a dense, natural ball shape. Perfect for adding some evergreen structure throughout the winter months. Easy to grow, it is hardy throughout most of the UK, only really needing any protection in prolonged severe cold spells. It looks great grown in the border but owing to its dense, compact habit, equally suited to be grown in containers and can be clipped easily to maintain the size and shape desired.
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Silver Queen'
A lovely evergreen shrub with silvery-green foliage edged creamy-white and dark stems. As with many Pittosporums, it can be a little susceptible to cold weather so best planted somewhere with shelter from cold, drying winds. In late spring and early summer, it bears small, purple, lightly fragrant flowers.
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Tom Thumb'
A great evergreen shrub with purple, wavy leaves and dark stems. Certainly a striking plant for the border or grown as a specimen owing to its dense, rounded habit. Pittosporums generally are best planted in a slightly sheltered aspect to prevent damage from cold, drying winds.
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Variegatum'
An evergreen shrub with attractive foliage set against dark stems and bearing fragrant maroon flowers in spring and summer.
Pittosporum tobira 'Nanum'
A wonderful evergreen shrub of dense and spreading habit with glossy, bright foliage and masses of highly scented creamy white flowers in spring and early summer.
Podocarpus lawrencei
A slow-growing, dwarf conifer with densly-packed, narrow, blue-green foliage.
Polemonium caeruleum
A lovely cottage garden favourite with bright green foliage from which emerge erect stems bearing lavender-blue flowers in midsummer. A short-lived perennial but it self-seeds freely.
Polypodium vulgare
Leathery fronds. A British native fern often found growing on trees and walls in damp places. Ht 30cm. Gently creeps with underground rhizomes. Sun or shade.
Polystichum setiferum Plumosum Group
One of the softest of ferns forming a soft cushion of multilayered fronds. Height and spread perhaps up to 60cm. Slow growing but best in an open shady position in most soil types.
Prunus 'Accolade'
A small, deciduous flowering cherry with ovate green leaves turning orange and red in autumn and producing semi-double, light pink flowers in spring.
Prunus 'Amanogawa'
A narrow, deciduous tree with slightly fragrant, semi-double, pale pink flowers in spring with wonderful autumn colouring of the foliage to shades of orange and red.
Prunus 'Tai-haku'
A medium sized deciduous tree with a broad crown. The foliage emergres bronze-red before turning green later and produces single, pure white flowers in spring.
Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra'
An attractive, medium-sized, deciduous tree with deep black-purple leaves and twigs, producing pale pink, single flowers in spring, opening from deep pink buds.
Prunus laurocerasus 'Rotundifolia'
A strong-growing, bushy shrub of upright habit with twisted, oblong, glossy, green leaves producing racemes of fragrant white flowers in spring, followed by cherry-like, red fruits, ripening to black.
Prunus lusitanica 'Brenelia'
Ideal as a hedging plant but equally good as a stand-alone specimen and can even be used for topiary. Evergreen with dark green foliage and dark red stems producing clusters of white flowers in summer.
Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer'
A conical, deciduous tree with glossy, dark green leaves, with excellent autumn colour. Produces clusters of white flowers in spring followed by small, brown fruits in autumn.
Quercus robur
A large deciduous tree developing a magnificent, broad crown, the leaves with shallow, rounded lobes, turning reddish-brown in autumn. Inconspicuous yellow-green catkins among the young leaves
Rhododendron 'Gomer Waterer'
An evergreen shrub with leathery dark green leaves producing fragrant funnel-shaped white flowers tinged mauve-pink in late spring and early summer.
Rhus typhina 'Tiger Eyes'
A compact, suckering, deciduous tree with finely-divided foliage opening green and turning golden yellow then orange and red into autumn. Produces greenish flowers in summer followed by dense clusters of red fruit in autumn.
Rosa 'Congratulations'
A bushy rose with glossy green foliage producing large, double, fragrant, soft salmon-pink flowers repeating through summer and into autumn.
Rosa 'Golden Moment'
Stongly fragrant, fully double, yellow flowers from early summer into autumn.
All the roses we sell are field-grown and lifted when conditions are at their optimum to ensure strong, quality plants and are potted-up as soon as they are received into the nursery. This ensures that the roots do not dry out and gives the plant the best start. Therefore, do not be surprised if the soil falls away from the root when planting, particularly during the winter and early spring months. We use a high quality commercial compost mix when potting our roses and recommend you incorporate this into the planting hole when planting out in the garden.