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Iris 'Langport Wren'
Iris 'Langport Wren'
Classic iris from Kelways own breeding!
from £7.99
Award of Garden Merit
Iris 'Lemon Ice'
Iris 'Lemon Ice'
Endearing, lemon yellow flowers borne in profusion. The fall petals have a white central patch, blending into the white beards. An easily grown iris needing little more than a sunny spot in well drained soil. 
from £5.00

Iris foetidissimaIris foetidissima
Iris foetidissima
An evergreen perennial with rich green, glossy leaves bearing dull purple flowers flushed yellow in summer. The native Gladwyn iris. Mainly grown for its brilliant scarlet orange seed pods which can last all winter. The smell of its crushed foliage has been likened to that of roast beef! Thrives in any soil including pure chalk and in deep shade.


from £4.95
Award of Garden Merit