All the roses we sell are field-grown and lifted when conditions are at their optimum to ensure strong, quality plants and are potted-up as soon as they are received into the nursery. This ensures that the roots do not dry out and gives the plant the best start. Therefore, do not be surprised if the soil falls away from the root when planting, particularly during the winter and early spring months. We use a high quality commercial compost mix when potting our roses and recommend you incorporate this into the planting hole when planting out in the garden.

If you are looking for a particular type of rose, or a specific colour, don't forget you can use the filters on the left-hand-side of the screen to thin-out the list and make it easier to find the rose that suits you.

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Rosa 'Absolutely Fabulous'
Rosa 'Absolutely Fabulous'
Rose of the Year 2010. Large clusters of buttery yellow flowers repeating well, with the unusual scent of myrrh. Long lasting flowers for cutting and also suitable for growing in a pot.
Award of Garden MeritRose of the YearGold Standard Rose
Rosa 'Arthur Bell'Rosa 'Arthur Bell'
Rosa 'Arthur Bell'
Beautifully formed, semi-double, rich yellow flowers in large clusters. A good rose for cutting and also suitable for growing in pots.
Award of Garden Merit

Rosa 'Bride and Groom'Rosa 'Bride and Groom'
Rosa 'Bride and Groom'
Attractive dark pink buds opening into delightful baby pink flowers produced wither singly or in small clusters. A good repeater throughout the season, this makes an excellent bridal flower as well as a good, sturdy, garden plant. All the roses we sell are field-grown and lifted when conditions are at their optimum to ensure strong, quality plants and are potted-up as soon as they are received into the nursery. This ensures that the roots do not dry out and gives the plant the best start. Therefore, do not be surprised if the soil falls away from the root when planting, particularly during the winter and early spring months. We use a high quality commercial compost mix when potting our roses and recommend you incorporate this into the planting hole when planting out in the garden.


Rosa 'Buff Beauty'Rosa 'Buff Beauty'
Rosa 'Buff Beauty'
This is the most widely grown of the hubrid musks.  The flowers are variable in their colour: apricot-yellow, soft orange, honey and above all a rich buff.  Its colour is deeper in shade or in cooler weather (especially in autumn), and tends to fade to cream in hot, sunny weather.  The flowers are fully double and held in loose clusters that cut well; they also tend to be larger in autumn.  The plant has a lax habit of growth, and is often trained up as a climber in hot areas.  In cool climates, it eventually turns into a broad shrub with long, arching, flexible stems.


Award of Garden Merit

Rosa 'Congratulations'Rosa 'Congratulations'
Rosa 'Congratulations'
A bushy rose with glossy green foliage producing large, double, fragrant, soft salmon-pink flowers repeating through summer and into autumn.
Rosa 'Gentle Touch'
Rosa 'Gentle Touch'
Rose of the Year 1986. The flowers of this rose are beautiful and dainty-pale pink with a hint of salmon on the upper side of the petals and paler towards the centre. The flowers start as elegant little buds, opening out very quickly and nearly flat. It has neat and very small, mid-green, semi-glossy leaves and a bushy habit of growth. An excellent plant for containers and the front of the border. All the roses we sell are field-grown and lifted when conditions are at their optimum to ensure strong, quality plants and are potted-up as soon as they are received into the nursery. This ensures that the roots do not dry out and gives the plant the best start. Therefore, do not be surprised if the soil falls away from the root when planting, particularly during the winter and early spring months. We use a high quality commercial compost mix when potting our roses and recommend you incorporate this into the planting hole when planting out in the garden.
Rose of the Year

Rosa 'Golden Moment'
Rosa 'Golden Moment'
Stongly fragrant, fully double, yellow flowers from early summer into autumn. All the roses we sell are field-grown and lifted when conditions are at their optimum to ensure strong, quality plants and are potted-up as soon as they are received into the nursery. This ensures that the roots do not dry out and gives the plant the best start. Therefore, do not be surprised if the soil falls away from the root when planting, particularly during the winter and early spring months. We use a high quality commercial compost mix when potting our roses and recommend you incorporate this into the planting hole when planting out in the garden.
Rosa 'Greenall's Glory'Rosa 'Greenall's Glory'
Rosa 'Greenall's Glory'
Perfectly formed buds opening out into silvery pink blooms with a slight fragrance.

Rosa 'Hot Chocolate'Rosa 'Hot Chocolate'
Rosa 'Hot Chocolate'
A rose that sells on its colour.  The name says it all really. The flowers are orange-brown sometimes with white streaks, turning browner as they age but the plant is eye catching throughout and has a delightful, delicately sweet fragrance.


Award of Garden MeritGold Standard Rose
Rosa 'Iceberg'
Rosa 'Iceberg'
One of the best floribunda roses bearing large clusters of slightly double flowers of the purest white, sometimes tinged with pink in late summer, flowering continuously often into the winter. All the roses we sell are field-grown and lifted when conditions are at their optimum to ensure strong, quality plants and are potted-up as soon as they are received into the nursery. This ensures that the roots do not dry out and gives the plant the best start. Therefore, do not be surprised if the soil falls away from the root when planting, particularly during the winter and early spring months. We use a high quality commercial compost mix when potting our roses and recommend you incorporate this into the planting hole when planting out in the garden.
Award of Garden Merit

Rosa 'Many Happy Returns'Rosa 'Many Happy Returns'
Rosa 'Many Happy Returns'
A pale pink shrub rose with the appearance of a spreading floribunda. The flowers are rose pink at first with slightly darker reverses, fading to the palest creamy pink, and borne in great profusion in clusters of 5-11.
Award of Garden Merit
Rosa 'Many Thanks'
Rosa 'Many Thanks'
A stunning rose with great disease-resistance producing vivid, cerise-pink flowers in summer.

Rosa 'Margaret Merril'
Rosa 'Margaret Merril'
One of the world's most popular roses with pale pink flowers in cool climates and white in hot. The plant is tall, vigorous, upright in habit and very healthy.
Rosa 'Silver Anniversary'
Rosa 'Silver Anniversary'
This variety is particularly tolerant of dry weather, and really looks its best in a hot summer. The flowers are a beautiful white colour with the faintest hint of lemon at the centre, opening from long, classically shaped buds. Usually borne singly, they occasionally come in small clusters.
Award of Garden Merit

Rosa 'The Queen Elizabeth'
Rosa 'The Queen Elizabeth'
Beautiful sugar pink, fully-double, scented flowers in abundance throughout the summer on strong plants with healthy, leathery, dark green foliage.


Rosa 'Tickled Pink'
Rosa 'Tickled Pink'
Rose of the Year 2007. A delightful rose producing enormous trusses of flowers in a gorgeous and seductive shade of pink on an incredibly vigorous plant.
Award of Garden MeritRose of the YearGold Standard Rose

Rosa 'Worcestershire'
Rosa 'Worcestershire'
A low-growing, spreading rose with dark green leabes, producing masses of slightly fragrant, single to semi-double, buttery yellow flowers in summer and autumn.
Award of Garden Merit
Rosa glauca
Rosa glauca
An invaluable garden rose particularly for its purple leaves and its abundant crop of hips. It is the perfect foil for other roses, shrubs and herbaceous plants because its colour combines well with anything. Small bright crimson or carmine flowers fading to mid-pink coming in clusters of 5-15.
Award of Garden Merit

Rosa mundi
Rosa mundi
A sport of officinalis probably from Norwich, which appeared in the mid-16th century. It has white stripes irregularly splashed across the petals. A popular variety and very widely grown. Occasionally a few flowers or the odd branch may revert back to the original officinalis. These are best removed to prevent the entire plant from reverting.
Award of Garden Merit
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Rosa sericea subsp. omeiensis f. pteracantha
This rose is grown primarily for its unusual and beautiful prickles which are large, flat and broad and a brilliant blood red in colour when young.  This variety is best planted where the early morning or late afternoon sun can shine through the prickles, illuminating them.  In cooler climates, this is oftenn the first of all roses to flower.
from £50.00

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Rosa spinosissima
A small, suckering shrub with prickly stems and fern-like leaves producing creamy-white single flowers in early summer followed by black hips in autumn.
from £30.00
Plants for Pollinators